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The Jewish people are gearing up for a very fateful "election" next week: On Rosh Hashanah (Sept. 29-Oct. 1) we are going to "coronate" the Almighty as King of the Universe.
Along with our petitions to G-d to inscribe each of our loved ones for a happy, healthy and sweet New Year, we pray for the entire world and "cast our votes" in favor of G‑d's renewed Sovereignty over the world and Providence over everything in our lives and our society.
By listening to the cry of the Shofar, partaking in the holiday observances, and directing our heartfelt prayers Heavenward, we help secure the stability of our world.
Kurze Übersetzung:
Der Allmächtige wird nun zum König des Weltalls gekrönt!
Das ist doch schön gesagt!